srijeda, 19. listopada 2016.

Primark, NewYorker, H&M, Avon i Rossmann Haul

Hello, I am writting again after a long time. In this post I will show you what I have bought in last month.
There are a lot of stuff, so let´s begin.

I  hope you enjoy it :)

Pozdrav svima, evo mene sa novim postom nakon puno vremena.
U ovome postu ću vam pokazati što sam kupila u zadnjih mjesec dana. Kako stvari ima puno, bolje da krenemo što prije.

Nadam se da će vam biti zanimljivo :)

New parfume, that for Avon made Kenzo Takada is my new signature parfume. I have two, one is my apsolute favorite Kenzo Jungle and second is this one. Avon Life is good quality parfume, that has floral scent, sweet but with caracter, something strong inside. It is fresh and strong. And the most important thing it lasts all day.

You definitely have my recommendations.

Novi parfem koji je za Avon napravio Kenzo Takada je moj novi omiljeni parfem. Imam dva parfema koji su tako reći moji "signature" parfemi, ovaj i Kenzo Jungle (za njega ja volim reći da postoji Jungle i drugi parfemi). No ovaj osvaja cvijetnim mirisom koji ima dozu jačine koja traje cijeli dan, parfem sa karakterom.

Imate moje preporuke.

Avon Extra lasting powder is solid product that I use every day.

Avon Extra lasting puder je solidan puder koji koristim svaki dan.

Avon Always in Bloom and Avon Amour

Always in Bloom is defenetly floral scent but strong and for everyday.

Amour is light and sweet everyday parfume.

Always in Bloom je cvijetni miris koji ima jačinu u sebi i pogodan je za svaki dan.

Amour je lagani i slatki parfem za svaki dan.

These eyeliners from Avon surprised me with good quality, especially Avon True color black.

Ove olovke iz Avona su me iznenadile svojom kvalitetom pogotovo Avon True color crna.

Avon Matt





That´s all for now, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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